Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chief aide to Peter Rodino & the House Judiciary Committee

Jerry Zeifman, Without Honor: Crimes of Camelot and the Impeachment of Richard Nixon. New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, [apparently December] 1995. Total pages, 272. "$24.95"

Appendix A, Articles of Impeachment. Text of the five Articles voted on by the House Judiciary Committee in July 1974. Appendix B, Excerpts From the Dobrovir Brief. "Originally published in November 1973 as The Offenses of Richard M. Nixon: A Lawyer's Guide for the People of the United States, written by William Dobrovir, Joseph Gebhardt, Samuel Buffone, and Andra Oakes." Appendix C, Rogers-Houston Memorandum. Text of a 1954 document written by Lawrence R. Houston, General Counsel to the Central Intelligence Agency, and submitted to William Rogers, Deputy Attorney General in the Department of Justice. From the Foreword by John W. Dean III, dated "November 1995":
During the summer of 1973 I had testified before the Senate Watergate Committee chaired by Senator Ervin. Although I answered questions for a week, I considered my testimony little more than an outline.
Five days of testimony was "little more than an outline"? Interesting.

Overall the book is very poorly edited. Thunder's Mouth has inserted a small piece of paper on the page facing the inner-front cover, listing nine separate "errors" that "were not detected prior to publication." Errors such "change John Haldeman to H.R. Haldeman" and so on. In my partial reading I discovered many other errors of a typographical nature, and a few of a factual/historical nature.

Library copy.

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